Alan Fianko Ashalley-Anthony
Melanin Gamers

With a background in the law industry, Alan transitioned into the gaming industry over five years ago as a software engineer. He has worked on several games as a game producer and technical designer. He understands how to cultivate emerging talent, and is conversant with overcoming unique challenges.
Alan Fianko Ashalley-Anthony is speaking at the following session/s
Backlash - The Real Cost of Diversity and Inclusion
A Roundtable discussing how companies can do more when it comes to the anti-woke backlash and how diversity and inclusion initiatives are crucial to helping the gaming industry grow.
Session Takeaway
- The real takeaway from this panel talk will be multifaceted. Individuals will understand that they must remain committed to diversity and inclusion (D&I) despite the anti-woke backlash, as these initiatives are not just about ethics but are crucial for the gaming industry’s growth, innovation, and long-term success
- They will be given facts about why diverse teams have led to better creativity, broader market appeal, and stronger financial performance
- They will understand how to respond effectively to backlash, we will touch upon strategies companies can use to navigate criticism so they can stay committed and foster an inclusive culture without alienating key stakeholders
Session speakers
Roundtables FREE