Running alongside the Develop:Brighton conference on Wednesday 9 July and Thursday 10 July is the Expo. It's free for all visitors to attend and brings together some of the most innovative companies from every sector of games development. Get up-to date with the latest dev tools tech and get hands on with all the games on display.
At the heart of the Expo is the Develop Networking Lounge so you don't have to go far to have an informal meeting or to just mix with other visitors. If you've opted into our meetings system - Meet@Develop - then the meeting space for this is up on the gallery level.
The Expo also features the Indie Showcase which demo's some of the best independently developed projects around - come and play the games and vote for your favourite.
Expo Opening Hours:
9.00 - 18.00 on Wednesday 9 July
9.30 - 16.30 on Thursday 10 July
Who Exhibits?
From platform holders to tool providers, dev studios to cutting edge tech companies plus universities showcasing talent, some of the most innovative and inspiring organisations from every sector of games development have taken part in previous Expo's.
If you're interested in taking a booth in the Expo contact us now: [email protected]
2024 Exhibitor List