James Stant
Frontier Developments

James is the Dialogue Manager at Frontier Developments, a self-publishing video game developer based in Cambridge, UK. He is responsible for overseeing the use of voice in Frontier’s games and has worked on franchises including Jurassic World Evolution, Planet Coaster/Zoo, F1 Manager and Elite Dangerous. He holds an MA degree in Music Composition and has specialised in voice for much of his 12 years of AAA audio experience, also proudly creating the constructed language Planco for the Planet Coaster/Zoo games.
James Stant is speaking at the following session/s
VO:ICE – Voice Over: Insights into Client Expectations
Pulling back the curtain of the game development side of the glass, Frontier Developments’ Dialogue Manager James Stant dives into the expectations developers hold of you - dearest voice talent - seeking, auditioning-for and delivering our celebrated game acting performance roles.
As the industry becomes more connected than ever, voice talents are expected to have ALL the know-how; to be the self-promoter, the self-engineer, the wearer of many hats. But do you know what you need to equip yourself with to stay competitive in the eyes of a developer? Ultimately, we’re all working towards the same goal. Every person involved wants you to succeed; they want you to be the one that can realise the vision that they’ve spent years pouring their own soul into. But is communication always perfect? Do decisions lie solely in your hands? Maybe not, but there’s a lot you can control.
However, what if things do not go as planned? Rejection will naturally rear its head. We’re talking about confidence-shattering, career-questioning rejection, after all. But it does not have to be the end! How you choose to handle that can define your longevity and resilience in a highly competitive, yet highly community-driven industry. So continue your learning journey with a little perspective… a perspective taken from an oft-disembodied voice on a video call that may not give you much more than a; “Yep we got it, let’s move on”. But don’t you want to know more?
Session Takeaway
- The top five things a client will be looking for when casting for a role
- The recording standards/terms a client will expect you to be familiar with
- An understanding of the bigger picture of developer decision-making
- How rejection is anything but the end
Session speakers