Rebecca Sampson

Rebecca Sampson

Moxie Ops

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Rebecca Sampson is a games industry operations specialist who now runs her own consultancy and contracted services company, Moxie Ops Ltd. With over 16 years of experience in AAA game development, she has helped shaped the operations and studio growth at the likes of Hangar 13, Creative Assembly, and Blackrock Studio; working alongside their publishing divisions 2K, SEGA Europe, and Disney Interactive.

Rebecca is a people-focused leader known for building creative, and engaging work environments, and fostering inclusive studio cultures. As an advocate for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI), she serves on the Ukie EDI Committee and acts as an Ambassador and Advocate for Women in Games, BiG (Bame in Games) and SpecialEffect. Her dedication to empowering teams and individuals highlights her commitment and passion to creating impactful change.

Rebecca’s expertise and knowledge in operations and leadership will provide valuable insights into creating successful, effective, and collaborative studios in the games industry.

Rebecca Sampson is speaking at the following session/s

Power Up Your Game Studio: The Essential Role of Ops and HR Support for Studio Success

4:00pm - 4:45pm
Room 6

Join us for a friendly and informative session on how early collaboration with Operations and HR can transform your Studio's success. Learn how working together with Ops and HR can reduce stress and help your team focus on what they do best - creating amazing games. We'll cover the essential roles and responsibilities of Ops and HR, and share practical insights, compelling data, and actionable advice. This is your chance to discover how investing in these partnerships from the beginning can make a difference. Perfect for Studio owners and leaders, this talk will equip you with the knowledge to leverage Ops and HR for long-term success.

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