Frank Tamburin

Frank Tamburin


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Frank Tamburin is a filmmaker and co-founder of ReadyAimFire, a production studio that specialises in trailers, TVCs and content marketing for the gaming industry.

Previously the Creative Director at a global games marketing agency, Frank has worked in gaming for over a decade, creating trailers and content for IPs like: Total War, Metro, CSR2, Horizon Zero Dawn, Guild Wars, Resident Evil, Pro Evolution Soccer, and more. His award-winning work includes an ECA Best Campaign and an E3 Trailer of the year. 

Frank Tamburin is speaking at the following session/s

Anatomy of a Trailer: The Secrets to Successful Video Marketing

3:00pm - 3:45pm
Room 3

Who needs video marketing? Only anyone who’s making a game and wants people to play it!

In this session, we’ll consider what makes a great games trailer – and how you can create a strong video marketing campaign with the resources readily at your disposal.

A filmmaker and former Creative Director of a global games marketing agency, Frank has created award-winning trailers and campaigns for IPs like: Total War, Metro, CSR2, Horizon Zero Dawn, Guild Wars, Resident Evil, Pro Evolution Soccer, and more.

Using real-world examples from trailers and campaigns he’s worked on, Frank will demonstrate for indie devs and industry professionals alike some of the tips and tools he’s learned to create compelling video marketing for games.

The aim is for attendees to leave the talk with a solid basis in what constitutes good video marketing; how to best create impactful content; and how to make the most of your pre-existing activities, contacts, and audience to make your video marketing successful.

Session Takeaway

• Finding your hook (how your game’s USP must provide the spine for your campaign)

• Compelling narrative structure (the craft of trailer storytelling)

• Who not how (harnessing the power of your network)

• Engagement, engagement, engagement (smart social = trailer success)

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