Ben Board

Ben Board

Epic Games

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Ben joined the games industry in 1997 as a coder at legendary Bullfrog Productions, went on to code, script and design on Fable at Lionhead, moved into production in Australia, before kickstarting Microsoft's European Xbox developer relations team.  Missing the coal face and wanting to understand this newfangled mobile free-to-play thing, he later led the post-launch development of mobile racing behemoth CSR Racing at BossAlien, before faceplanting on Race Kings at Hutch. The development itch scratched (for now), Ben moved to Epic Games in 2017, where he has ever since been privileged to help incredible Unreal Engine developers to succeed.

Ben Board is speaking at the following session/s

The Unreal and Epic Games Ecosystem

3:00pm - 3:45pm
Room 1

Unreal Engine is a constantly evolving beast, and just one of Epic Games’s investments in tools you can use to make, sell and operate video games. Join this session for the latest developments in the Unreal and Epic Games ecosystem.

Session Takeaway

  • The latest Unreal Engine 5 features enabling the highest quality cross-platform video games
  • Awareness of the range of tools and services Epic offers to help you make great games
  • An introduction to Unreal Editor for Fortnite

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