Call for Speakers Form

Submit your talk now!

To enter your talk proposal for Develop:Brighton 2025 complete the form below by 24 February.

Before you start:

  • Have you spell-checked your submission?
  • Have you saved a copy of your submission elsewhere?
  • If not, download Word doc template HERE

Good Luck!

  • About the speaker/s
  • About the session

  • Please add ALL speakers (primary speaker first)

    Full Name Pronouns Company Bio Photo

    Completes automatically from the first row in Speakers above.

    Completes automatically from the first row in Speakers above.

    The full URL including https://

    We’d like to tag you in posts about your talk or the conference, if you’d prefer not to be tagged please leave blank.

    Post the link here.

    If you have spoken before, please tell us where - conference name, title of session. If you haven't spoken before let us know - first time speakers are always welcome. (Please use plain text only no special characters or symbols.)

    Optional - but if you have any footage of you speaking it will definitely help your application.


  • Select your track from the drop down menu?

    e.g. funding, monetisation, level design, community management etc

    Please summarise your talk in 140 characters - this is a mini version of your description, for use in social media and other promotion. (Please use plain text only no special characters or symbols.)

    Give us a detailed outline of the structure, content (sections/key points) and supporting materials for your talk, for example video clips, data analysis etc. This is for internal use only. (Please use plain text only no special characters or symbols.)

    Provide at least 3 bullet points stating what practical information delegates will learn in your talk to take back to the studio. This will appear on the website alongside your session summary. (Please use plain text only no special characters or symbols.)

    Exactly who would benefit from attending this session - you can use job titles or specialist areas of responsibility or roles. Is there any prerequisite knowledge needed for understanding the content of this session? (Please use plain text only no special characters or symbols.)

    We offer various resources to help our speakers prepare their talks, but if you would you like additional support like mentorship or a peer to peer review of your presentation please tick the Yes box below.

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