Andrew Smith

Andrew Smith

Spilt Milk Studios

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A games designer with over 12 years of experience developing games, amongst them the Scottish Bafta-winning Flock!. I started out making mods for Half Life and have worked my way through many roles, and now I'm living my childhood dream as the founder and CEO of Spilt Milk Studios, releasing original games across mobile, consoles and PC. Currently we're working on Lazarus, an ambitious sci-fi MMO.

Andrew Smith is speaking at the following session/s

Trash Goblin - Turning Someone Else’s Trash into Treasure with Kickstarter

11:45am - 12:30pm
Space 1

Spilt Milk Studios famously had more than 76 publishers turn Trash Goblin down in 2023, before running a successful Kickstarter and winning over 60,000 wishlists all by themselves. This sessions covers how they did it, who they turned to for help, why they needed to in the first place, what they wanted to get out of it - plus of course what they ended up actually achieving - plus insights into all the ups and downs along the way, with no details left out and as much transparency on numbers as we can muster.

Session Takeaway

  • How to run a successful kickstarter
  • How to launch a new IP
  • How to Market and PR your game with a tiny budget
  • How to build a community

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