Raise the Game

Raise the Game

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The #RaiseTheGame pledge is a holistic driven initiative managed and facilitated by Ukie aimed at helping the overall UK games industry grow and improve in all areas of equality, diversity and inclusivity (EDI). From guidance and practical advice to engagement activities like events both online and in-person, the pledge is a call to action to rally the sector together and become lead examples of inclusion to other industries.

Though the pledge is managed by Ukie, any games industry company can apply to sign-up and be involved in activities surrounding the pledge, all that is asked is a strong commitment to make a positive impact, the time to listen and consider along with the effort to implement such change. Even if you’re at the start of your journey or think your company too small to make a difference - all companies no matter their size or where they are in their equality, diversity & inclusion journey are welcome.

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